引用本文:霍妍佼 郭彦 王怀洲.影像数据系统在眼科教学中的应用[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2019,18(11):1136-1139
Application of an imaging data management system in the teaching of ophthalmology
中文关键词:  影像数据管理系统  临床教学 研究生
英文关键词:Imaging data management system  Clinical teaching  Postgraduate
霍妍佼 郭彦 王怀洲 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院/北京同仁眼科中心/北京市眼科学与视觉科学重点实验室 100730 
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      专业化影像数据管理系统在眼科临床中的应用,不仅优化了临床医生的诊疗流程,同时也改变了眼科传统教学方式。首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院眼科将FORUM影像数据管理系统(Carl Zeiss,FORUM V4.0,Germany)应用于眼科临床和研究生教学过程中。该系统可获得患者影像原始数据并可随时进行读取,方便临床教师展示病例。借助影像数据管理系统可帮助提高临床教师直观教学的教学效果;培养医学生的临床思维,开展病例讨论;同时有助于培养研究生的科研思维。
      The application of a specialized imaging data management system in ophthalmology not only improves clinical diagnosis and treatment, but also brings change to the traditional teaching of ophthalmology. Department of Ophthalmology in Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University applied the FORUM (Carl Zeiss, FORUM V4.0, Germany) imaging data management system in clinical practice and postgraduate teaching of ophthalmology. The imaging data management system can obtain the primary imaging data of patients and the data can be accessed at any time, which brings great convenience for teachers to show the cases. The imaging data management system can help clinical teachers to improve the teaching effect of direct teaching and cultivate students' clinical thinking to carry out case discussion, and it can also help to cultivate scientific thinking of postgraduates.
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