引用本文:刘小美 梁超 卢文丽 贾冬威 张园园 彭佩克 方肇勤 潘志强.科研案例中德育素材融合至“实验中医学”教学的实践与评价[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2020,19(4):389-393
Application and evaluation of moral education materials of scientific research cases in the teaching of Experimental Traditional Chinese Medicine
中文关键词:  科研案例  德育素材  实验中医学
英文关键词:Scientific research cases  Moral education material  Experimental traditional Chinese medicine
刘小美 梁超 卢文丽 贾冬威 张园园 彭佩克 方肇勤 潘志强 上海中医药大学基础医学院实验中医学教研室 201203 
摘要点击次数: 2021
全文下载次数: 838
      目的 评价科研案例隐含的德育素材融合至“实验中医学”教学的效果。方法 挖掘以往“实验中医学”教学中科研案例隐含的德育素材,并将其巧妙融入课程专业知识的教学中。设计调查问卷,从“通过案例讲解引申出其中潜在的人文精神的形式可好,是否有助于提高对科学探索的兴趣,对今后的学习、生活和工作态度是否有所触动”“科学家的感人事迹触动学生的10项具体内容及认可度”等方面对教学效果进行评价。结果 肯定授课形式,且认为此形式有助于提高科学探索兴趣的学生均占到95.8%,认为所融入的人文精神对今后学习、生活和工作有所触动的学生占87.5%;对科学家感人事迹触动学生的10项内容持肯定态度的学生占77.1%~89.6%,其中肯定比例最低和最高的分别为“甘于寂寞、默默耕耘、无私奉献的精神”和“尊重他人及其科研成果,同时又具有挑战科研权威的勇气”。结论 将科研案例隐含的德育素材融入“实验中医学”教学的形式和效果均较好,基本达到了教学目标,但仍有提升的空间。
      Objective To evaluate the teaching effect of moral education materials implied in scientific research cases in the teaching of "Experimental Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)". Methods The moral education materials implied in scientific research cases of "Experimental TCM" were extracted and skillfully integrated into the teaching of professional knowledge. A questionnaire survey was conducted with questions as "whether it is good to demonstrate the potential humanistic spirit by case teaching, whether this helps improve your interest in science and whether this teaching form affects your study, life and work attitude in the future" "Ten specific items from scientists' moving deeds that touch students and their recognitions" to assess the teaching effect. Results 95.8 percent of students affirmed this teaching form and thought it helped improve their interest in scientific exploration. 87.5 percent of students considered the humanistic spirit would affect their study, life and work in the future. 77.1-89.6 percent of students held a positive attitude to the ten items derived from the scientists' moving stories. Among these items, the percentages of the two items, "the spirit of being able to endure loneliness, work hard to make contributions selflessly without seeking for rewards or reputations" and "having respect forpeople and their scientific research achievements with courage to challenge the authorities of scientific research" are the lowest and highest, respectively. Conclusion It is good to apply the moral education materials implied in the scientific research cases in the teaching of "Experimental TCM", which basically achieves the teaching goal, but there is still room for improvement.
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