引用本文:米洁1 陈刚2.以临床胜任力为导向的CBL在急危重症护理本科教学中的实践[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2020,19(4):472-475
Practice of clinical competence-oriented CBL teaching for undergraduates in emergent and critical care nursing
中文关键词:  临床胜任力  案例教学  急危重症护理  护理本科生
英文关键词:Clinical competency  Case-based learning  Emergent and critical care nursing  Nursing undergraduates
米洁1 陈刚2 1重庆医科大学附属第一医院重症医学科 4000162重庆医科大学附属第一医院泌尿外科 400016 
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      目的 探讨临床胜任力为导向的病例教学(case-based learning,CBL)在急危重症护理学本科教学中的可行性和有效性。方法 将急危重症护理本科生120人随机分为CBL教学组和传统教学组。根据每次实习学生人数,CBL教学组分为数个小组,每小组固定一个带教教师,并以小组为单位进行临床教学实践;传统教学组采用既往的临床实习教学方式,即一个学生固定跟随一个带教教师。采用理论考试、技能考试以及问卷调查等多种考核方式评价两组的教学效果,采用SPSS 21.0软件行t检验和卡方检验。结果 与传统教学组相比,CBL教学组在理论考试[(92.5±3.0) vs. (85.3±3.3)]和技能考试[(93.1±4.5) vs. (88.1±3.4)]方面均更好,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);在对教学满意度调查方面,CBL教学组优于传统教学组。结论 以临床胜任力为导向的CBL教学应用于急危重症护理本科教学是可行的,能有效培养学生的临床思维和提高实际的临床胜任力。
      Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and discuss the feasibility of clinical competence-oriented case-based learning (CBL) teaching for undergraduates in emergent and critical care nursing. Methods 120 undergraduates in emergent and critical care nursing were randomly divided into experimental group which received CBL and control group receiving traditional teaching. Students in the experimental group were divided into several sub-groups in accordance with student number. Each subgroup was led by one teacher and received clinical practice teaching by group unit. The traditional group adopted a traditional clinical practice teaching method, that is, one student was led by one teacher. Students in the two groups were evaluated systematically by theoretical examination, skill test and teaching satisfaction survey. The data was processed by SPSS 21.0 software. Results Students in the experimental group had better performance in theoretical exam and clinical skill test [(92.5±3.0) vs. (85.3±3.3)] than those in the control group [(93.1±4.5) vs. (88.1±3.4)]. Moreover, students in the experimental group were more satisfied with teaching than those in the control group. Conclusion The clinical competence-orientated CBL teaching is applicable for undergraduates in emergent and critical care nursing and could significantly promote the effect of teaching and the quality of students.
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