引用本文:袁佳玉 潘秋予.健康文化视角下预防医学专业人才培养探讨[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2020,19(5):513-517
Discussion on the training of preventive medicine professionals from the perspective of health culture
中文关键词:  预防医学  人才培养  健康文化
英文关键词:Preventive medicine  Personnel training  Health culture
袁佳玉 潘秋予 川北医学院预防医学系南充 637100 
摘要点击次数: 1679
全文下载次数: 742
      Strengthening the training of preventive medicine professionals is not only the foundation to provide people with good public health services, but also an important measure to promote the development of health culture. At present, problems in the training of preventive medicine professionals include teachers lack of practical experience and emphasize theory only during teaching, insufficient attention to "quantity" and "quality" in the course teaching, no training for students to form the abilities to analyze problems and communicate with others, and schools attach importance to the teaching of professional knowledge but not in a systematic manner. In this paper, it is suggested that the training of preventive medicine talents should be reformed by integrating experiment and theoretical teaching, cultivating students' humanistic care, integrating teaching methods, strengthening the training of teachers, and cultivating students' macroscopic concept of health based on health culture, thus forming a atmosphere conducive to the cultivation of high-quality compound talents, and promoting the development of social health culture.
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