引用本文:斯海波1 叶红霞2 梁明玮3 张猎4 卿平5 沈彬6.教学与科研相结合的创新型医学本科人才培养模式研究[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2020,19(7):772-777
Research on innovative training model of medical undergraduate talents combining teaching and research
中文关键词:  医学本科  教学与科研相结合  创新型医学人才
英文关键词:Medical undergraduate  Combination of teaching and research  Innovative medical talents
斯海波1 叶红霞2 梁明玮3 张猎4 卿平5 沈彬6 1四川大学华西医院骨科成都 6100412四川大学华西医院移植免疫研究室成都 6100413四川大学华西临床医学院临床医学系成都 6100414四川大学华西临床医学院学生工作部成都 6100415四川大学华西临床医学院教务部成都 6100416四川大学华西临床医学院/华西医院党委办公室成都 610041 
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      The combination of teaching and research is an innovative training mode of medical undergraduate education in the new era, which aims to play the interaction of teaching with research, and promote this model while driving the innovation of the curriculum teaching system, thus propelling the medical undergraduate education in China to a new level. On the premise that basic teaching is fully guaranteed, in order to better construct and popularize the innovative mode, students, teachers and schools need to communicate and integrate repeatedly, and carry out the innovation training of scientific research throughout the whole process of medical undergraduate education. Students need to establish correct research values, teachers should renew their educational concepts and improve their sense of responsibility during the training of innovative medical undergraduate talents, and schools need to strengthen the supervision of students' scientific research and innovation activities and continuously improve relevant systems.
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