引用本文:杨梅 李艳红 曹静.同伴教学在儿科学示教课中的应用效果[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2020,19(7):820-824
Application effect of peer instruction in pediatrics lab class
中文关键词:  儿科学  示教课  同伴教学
英文关键词:Pediatrics  Lab class  Peer instruction
杨梅 李艳红 曹静 新疆医科大学第一附属医院新生儿科乌鲁木齐 830054 
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      目的 探讨同伴教学在儿科学示教课中的应用效果。方法 随机抽取新疆医科大学本科临床医学专业四年级的2个班分别作为实验班(n=50人)和对照班(n=51人);实验班采用同伴教学,并将该班学生按照随机数字表法分为施教学生(n=16人)和受教学生(n=34人);对照班采用传统教学,授课内容为儿科学示教课教学大纲内容。通过两独立样本的t检验比较儿科学期末考试成绩;同时利用调查问卷形式评价同伴教学对学生教学能力、专业知识学习、个人素质以及今后事业发展的影响。结果 实验班儿科学期末考试平均成绩(82.97±2.59)高于对照班(79.22±8.84),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);调查问卷结果显示:实验班大多数施教学生和受教学生认为同伴教学促进了学生教学能力、专业知识学习效果以及个人素质等方面的提高。结论 同伴教学提高了儿科学示教课的教学效果,同时有利于临床医学生基本教学能力、个人素质的提高,值得推广采用。
      Objective To explore the effect of peer instruction in pediatrics lab class. Methods Two classes in the fourth year of undergraduate clinical medicine major in Xinjiang Medical University were randomly selected as the experimental class (n=50) and the control class (n=51). The experimental class was taught by peer instruction, and the students in this class were randomized into teaching students (n= 16) and taught students (n=34); the control class was educated by traditional teaching and the teaching content was in line with the syllabus of pediatrics. The effect of peer instruction was evaluated by comparing the results of the pediatric final exams in the experimental class and the control class through t test of these two independent samples. At the same time, the impact of peer instruction on students' teaching ability, learning effect of the professional knowledge, personal quality, and future career development was evaluated by questionnaires. Results The average score of the pediatric final exam in the experimental class (82.97±2.59) was significantly higher than that in the control class (79.22±8.84) (P<0.05). The results of the questionnaires showed that most of the teaching and taught students considered that peer instruction could promote the improvement of students' teaching ability, learning effect of the professional knowledge and personal quality. Conclusion Peer instruction improves the teaching effect of pediatrics lab class, and is conducive to the improvement of the basic teaching ability and personal quality of clinical medical students, which is worth of application in clinical medicine teaching.
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