引用本文:罗慧1 杨茜1 李罗庆2 蒲镜羽2 陈小菊1 张丽梅1.基于Miller金字塔原理的模拟教学在产科新护士培训中的应用[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2020,19(7):864-868
Application of simulation teaching based on Miller pyramid theory in training new obstetric nurses
中文关键词:  Miller金字塔原理  产科  新护士  培训
英文关键词:Miller pyramid theory  Obstetrics  New nurses  Training
罗慧1 杨茜1 李罗庆2 蒲镜羽2 陈小菊1 张丽梅1 1成都医学院护理学院 6100832四川省妇幼保健院产科成都 610000 
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      目的 探讨基于Miller金字塔原理的模拟教学在产科新护士培训中的应用效果。方法 选取2019年产科轮转的新护士36名为观察组,采用基于Miller金字塔原理的模拟教学法;选取2018年32名产科轮转的新护士为对照组,沿用传统培训法。研究结束后,采用t检验比较两组新护士的理论考试、操作考核成绩、临床综合素质及培训满意度。运用SPSS 21.0作统计分析,组间比较用t检验。结果 培训后观察组产科新护士的理论考试成绩、操作考核成绩及临床综合能力明显优于对照组(P<0.05,P<0.001),培训满意度均在88%以上。结论 基于Miller金字塔原理的模拟教学有利于产科新护士对专业理论知识的理解、应用,提升产科操作技能及对临床实际问题的解决能力,提高其培训的满意度。
      Objective The application effect of simulation teaching based on Miller pyramid theory in the training of new obstetric nurses. Methods Thirty-six new nurses in obstetrics rotation in 2019 were selected as the observation group, trained by the simulation teaching method based on Miller pyramid theory, and 32 new nurses in 2018 were selected as the control group, following the traditional training method. After the study, t test was used to compare the theoretical examination scores, operational assessment results, clinical comprehensive quality, and training satisfaction of the two groups. Results The scores of theoretical examinations, operational assessments, clinical comprehensive quality in the observation group were significantly superior to those in the control group, (P<0.05, P<0.001), and the training satisfaction of the experimental group was over 88%. Conclusion Simulation teaching based on Miller Pyramid Theory is beneficial for new obstetric nurses to understand and apply professional theoretical knowledge, improve their obstetric operation skills and ability of solving practical clinical problems, and improve their training satisfaction.
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