引用本文:张玉珍 刘欢欢 李士建 刘明 虞崚崴 汪登斌.非影像专业放射科住院医师规范化培训的轮转模式探讨[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2021,20(3):338-340
On the rotation mode of standardized residency training of non-imaging professional residents in the department of radiology
中文关键词:  住院医师规范化培训  放射科  非影像临床住院医师  医学教学方法
英文关键词:Standardized residency training  Department of radiology  Non-imaging professional resident  Medical education strategy
张玉珍 刘欢欢 李士建 刘明 虞崚崴 汪登斌 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院放射科 200092 
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      The department of radiology, as one of the public platforms for standardized residency training, is very crucial to the training of high level clinicians and essential to improve quality of medical care. According to the present situation and existing problems of standardized residency training for the non-imaging professional residents in the department of radiology in China, combining with our practice, this article primarily explores the improvement of the rules and regulations, the specific arrangement of the rotation, daily and graduation examination forms, and training quality supervision, etc. We hope to improve the training quality of the non-imaging professional residents' rotation in the department of radiology and explore more suitable and effective medical educative strategies.
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