引用本文:姜军 侯云飞.病例教学在骨科住院医师膝关节MRI教学中的应用[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2022,21(3):321-324
Application of CBL in the teaching of knee MRI for orthopedic residents
中文关键词:  病例教学  骨科住院医师  膝关节MRI
英文关键词:CBL  Orthopedic resident  Knee MRI
姜军 侯云飞 北京大学人民医院骨关节科北京 100044 
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      目的 探讨病例教学在骨科住院医师膝关节磁共振成像(magnetic resonance image,MRI)教学中的应用。方法 2015年9月至2018年3月,在北京大学人民医院骨关节科90名骨科住院医师的膝关节MRI教学中应用病例教学,采用问卷调查法评估病例教学效果,并对病例教学法前后的膝关节MRI理论知识和阅片考核成绩进行比较分析。通过SPSS 19.0进行t检验。结果 对90名骨科住院医师调查问卷结果显示,在膝关节MRI教学中,病例教学法能够提高学习兴趣[77.8%(70/90)]、巩固理论知识[80.0%(72/90)]、提高膝关节MRI诊断能力[88.8%(80/90)]、提高膝关节疾病诊断能力[86.6%(78/90)]、提高自主学习能力[84.5%(76/90)]、提高表达沟通能力[83.3%(75/90)]、活跃课堂气氛[51.1%(46/90)];应用病例教学法后膝关节MRI理论知识和阅片成绩有一定提高,分别从(65.35±10.36)提高到(89.20±10.55),以及从(66.64±9.88)提高到(89.50±10.06),差异有统计学意义。结论 病例教学能够提高骨科住院医师对膝关节MRI的独立诊断能力,为膝关节疾病的诊疗打下基础,从而提高临床技能。
      Objective To study the effect of CBL on the teaching of knee magnetic resonance image (MRI) for orthopedic residents. Methods From September 2015 to March 2018, CBL teaching method was applied in the teaching of knee MRI among 90 orthopedic residents of Arthritis Clinical & Research Center of Peking University People’s Hospital. The teaching effect of CBL was evaluated with questionnaire method. The scores of Knee MRI theoretical knowledge and image diagnosis were statistically compared after CBL teaching. SPSS 19.0 was performed for t test. Results According to the questionnaire of 90 orthopedic residents, in the teaching of knee MRI, CBL teaching improved the residents' learning interest [77.8%(70/90)], fortified their theoretical knowledge [80.0%(72/90)], and enhanced their diagnosis ability of knee MRI [88.8%(80/90)], diagnosis ability of knee diseases [86.6%(78/90)], autonomous learning ability [84.5%(76/90)], expression ability [83.3%(75/90)], and the ability of creating active classroom atmosphere [51.1%(46/90)]. The performances of knee MRI theoretical knowledge and image analysis were significantly increased after CBL teaching, respectively from (65.35±10.36) points to (89.20±10.55) points and from (66.64±9.88) points to (89.50±10.06) points. Conclusion CBL teaching can improve independent diagnostic ablity of knee MRI of orthopedic residents and lay a solid foundation of diagnosis and treatment for knee diseases, thus improving their clinical skills.
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