The application and effect analysis of SMART principle in nutrition practice course
中文关键词:  SMART原则  营养实践  自主学习
英文关键词:SMART principle  Nutrition practice  Autonomous learning
许琪 1上海中医药大学公共健康学院上海 201203  
于亮 1上海中医药大学公共健康学院上海 201203  
李艳 2上海浦东新区金杨社区卫生服务中心上海 200136  
张雅莉 1上海中医药大学公共健康学院上海 201203  
赵海磊 1上海中医药大学公共健康学院上海 201203 Zhao.hailei@shutcm.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 1147
全文下载次数: 457
      SMART (S = Specific, M = Measurable, A = Attainable, R = Relevant, T = Time-bound) principle is a goal-setting theory that includes five aspects: clarity, measurability, achievability, relevance, and timeliness. This online nutrition practice course introduces SMART principle teaching methodology to help students build autonomous learning capabilities. Questionnaires were used to learn about students' satisfaction. We also evaluated the students' practical skills by measuring students' self-perception of collaborative attitude, leadership, communication skills and intellectual challenge abilities before and after the course. The results found that 89.7% (26/29) of the students were generally satisfied with this online nutrition practice course. About 86.2% (25/29) of the students thought online learning was acceptable. By the end of the course, students' self-perception of collaborative attitude, leadership, communication skills and intellectual challenge abilities were increased by 7%, 13%, 14% and 10%, respectively. This online nutrition practice course indicates that SMART principle can help students build autonomous learning capabilities by setting practical, specific and time-limited teaching objectives, which improves students' learning enthusiasm and effectively enhances the practice ability of students.
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