引用本文:谢君君 万晓光 王胜 谢协驹 史济纯.海南医学类高职毕业生就业现状调查分析[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2014,13(9):946-951
Employment status survey and analysis of higher vocational medical graduates in Hainan province
中文关键词:  医学类  高职毕业生  就业  调查分析
英文关键词:Medicine  Vocational graduates  Employment  Investigation and analysis
谢君君 万晓光 王胜 谢协驹 史济纯 Employment Guid-ance Office of Higher Occupation Education College of Hainan Medical University 
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      目的 调查海南省某医学院校医学类高职毕业生的就业状况,探讨医学类高职毕业生就业存在的问题,并提出有效建议。方法 采用自制问卷对该校2012届11个医学相关专业的1 048名应届毕业生进行调查,共收回有效问卷989份。问卷项目主要涵盖毕业生基本信息、就业意向、就业信息获取渠道、对学校就业服务机构的满意度、创业问题和就业心态等6方面;采用SPSS 13.0统计各选项人数,并计算百分率。结果 只有22.9%(227/989)的毕业生愿意到外省就业,49.1%(486/989)获取就业信息的渠道是通过学校就业指导部门;有10.6%(105/989)的毕业生对学校的就业服务表示不满意;有创业意愿的毕业生达26.9%(267/989);只有19.8%的毕业生签订了就业协议,有25.1%(248/989)的学生对待就业感到非常焦虑和茫然。结论 海南省医学类高职毕业生的就业观念还亟待转变;学校就业指导工作中要加强对用人单位岗位需求与毕业生就业期望的衔接,强化招生专业设置与就业市场需求的衔接,做好高校就业指导与实习、见习基地多位一体的系统衔接。
      Objective To investigate the employment status of higher vocational medical col-lege graduates in Hainan province, analyze the existing employment problems, and put forward some effective suggestions. Methods A questionnaire was applied to survey the employment problems of 1 048 medical graduate in 11 medical related field of Grade 2012. A total of 989 valid questionnaires were collected. The questionnaires covered six aspects including graduates' basic information, their employment intention, access to employment information channel, service and satisfaction about school employment agencies, and employment psychology etc. SPSS 13.0 was used to analyze the statistical numbers in each option and the percentage was calculated. Results Only 22.9%(227/989) of the graduates were willing to accept the provincial employment, 49.1%(486/989) of the graduates obtained employment information channels through the school employment sector; 10.6%(105/989) of gradu-ates expressed dissatisfaction with employment services; graduates' entrepreneurial intention reached 26.9%(267/989); only 19.8% of graduates signed employment agreement, and 25.1%(248/989) of gradu-ates face the employment with anxiety and confusion. Conclusion The higher vocational medi-cal graduates in Hainan provinces need to change their employment concept and school employment guidance needs strengthening to link up the employer position requirements and expectations of grad-uates employment. Besides, the school enrollment professional settings and employment market demand also need to be linked up, to guarantee the system interface between career guidance, internship and training base.
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